Skin Test Day One

8. In Scotland, any reactor cattle identified at the TB test by an OV, will be tagged by APHA staff at the valuation visit using a metal 'R' tag.

Routine Maintenance, Disinfection, Sterilisation and Use of TB Syringes

1. Detailed instructions for the use and care of the TB syringes are supplied with each instrument. OVs must ensure they are familiar with and follow the guidance supplied with the syringe(s).

2. OVs are required to carry out routine maintenance and repair in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Day One Testing Actions

2. Cattle that are wild and aggressive and cannot be tested for reasons of health and safety or welfare of the animals, remain eligible and must not be exempted from testing. Failure to test any eligible cattle will result in the test being marked as incomplete. Once an incomplete test becomes overdue, overdue testing procedures will impact on the owner. If the cattle are wild and untestable report this to APHA.

3. Any doubts, particularly about the eligible animals not being presented, should be noted on the testing record to ensure any concerns are raised to APHA.

4. Where necessary make general comments about the standard of identification on the holding e.g. significant numbers of single-tagged animals, concerns about the quality of tags being used, etc. using the remarks column on the testing record.