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Avian disease surveillance

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If you have found something new, unusual, severe, or unresponsive in relation to avian diseases, please contact the AEG veterinary lead or your nearest Veterinary Investigation Centre.

Please note: if you suspect a notifiable disease you must contact APHA immediately.

Explore the diagnoses made by the GB surveillance network through the interactive avian disease surveillance dashboard.

Avian Expert Group (AEG) veterinary lead

Image of AEG veterinary lead - David Welchman

The AEG veterinary lead is Zoe Treharne (020 7895 5821)

Zoe has been the AEG veterinary lead since July 2022. She leads the Defra-funded avian disease scanning surveillance project in APHA. Zoe also represents APHA on the Poultry Health and Welfare Group.

AEG members

To support the AEG veterinary lead, the group has representation from Veterinary Investigation Officers and avian pathologists from APHA. In addition, there are APHA members on AEG providing expertise on virology (with especial emphasis on notifiable avian diseases) and from Veterinary Advice Services and Scotland Field Operations.

AEG non-APHA members include representatives from:

APHA Animal Disease Surveillance Reports

Recent Interesting Cases

GB avian disease quarterly report: disease surveillance and emerging threats - October to December 2021

  • Update on HPAI in the UK and Europe
  • High mortality in broilers associated with Avian Pathogenic E. coli
  • Marek’s disease virus in small and backyard chicken flocks and differing strain virulence
  • Avian intestinal spirochaetosis and potential antimicrobial resistance

Population information

Enhanced Demograpic Reports

Disease information

Information notes and alerts on specific diseases or conditions:

Further information - External links